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April 05, 2007



Interesting target market. Most research I have seen shows teens, especially pre-teens, don't have huge influence on which provider a family chooses (my info could be bad). If this is correct in that parents have the money AND are the primary decision makers, how much penetration can they really make? Will parents want to move to something outside of the $9.99 additional line? I like the pre-pay aspect of this as children running up cell phone bills is a major pain point for customers. But most customers in the US have such a negative perception of pre-pay (plus Kajeet's rates seem to be in line with the rest of the pre-pay market (and high compared to a $9.99 additional line assuming parents aren't using all their minutes)). It will be interesting to see if the "bells and whistles" for the kids will be enough to get parents to do this.

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